Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sentence Correcting

  1. I went skating down at the pond. Three kids from my school were there . We fell down again and again. We laughed so much our stomachs hurt.

  2. I thought the lopsided game would get never end. The score just kept getting worse and worse

  3. Martha thinks she is so cool. She is not cool to me.

  4. Joe watched a video. His mom had bought a video for him at the store where she worked.
  5. Susan loved to watch football. She would watch it every Sunday on T.V. Every Saturday she would go to the local college football game. She would always wear the school colors.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


The worst time I got angry was at my little sister. She doesn't think before she opens her mouth so she makes pretty much everybody mad. But the worst time she made me mad was when I was cooking dinner for her and my little brother and she just kept blabbering on about random stuff like how long you usually have ta keep your piercings. I told her about three months but she said "it doesn't hurt" I told her it doesn't matter it could get infected if you take it out now. We had a whole argument about it until I finished dinner after that I went outside and walked around for a little bit. I came back and we talked it out and sat down and ate dinner. Sometimes I let my anger get the best of me but I can control it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sentence Combining

The shelter burned and the flames rumbled like a freight train as they sucked at the air.

The flames rumbled the shelter while it burned and it sounded like a freight train as the flames sucked at the air.

As the shelter burned, the flames rumbled like a freight train sucking at the air.

Friday, December 5, 2008

My Life And My Thoughts

My life is pretty much normal I go to school, I babysit my little brother for my mom while shes at work. I watch my boyfriends sister every once in a while when her mom and step dad have ta go somewhere. I don't work at the moment but I volunteer at the Humain Society I walk dogs and stuff its fun. I love animal I'm hoping when I get my GED I can go to college to be a veterinarian. Animals are the cutest and I don't see how anybody could harm them. I Live with my grandparents and their seven dogs, my rat Cali of cours, three birds. I love my life and everbody in it I don't take anything or anybody for granted. I tryta understand what people are saying and try to see it from there point of view to insted of just mine. Im pretty much a layedback person and dont try not to cause any drama i stay away from it..

Thursday, December 4, 2008

So Or Because?

Anna went to the store because she needed milk.

Chris ate too much candy, so his stomach hurt.

Richard fell tired, so he bought an energy drink.

Tesla ran after the bus because she woke up late.

My Sentences

My friends are happy because it was Christmas.

I was going to the store because i needed to get dinner to make for my family.

What are you doing tomorrow because me and some friends wanted to hang out for a little bit.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Most Scariest Moment

The most scariest moment I've had was when I lived with my mom over by the Winco on Lancaster. I was home alone at night and I kept seeing this guy on our back porch and knocking on the glass. The guy had raggedy clothes and shoes his hair looked like he hadn't washed it in months. It scared me so bad I ran up to my room and then I sat on my bed and called my mom and she told me to just stay in my room until she got home. But I didn't in I went back downstairs to see if he was still there and he was. He wouldn't go away I thought he was gonna try and break in to the house or something but thank goodness my mom pulled up and the guy obviously heard the car so he ran off.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sentence Combining

  • Janet directed the band and she also played the drums.
  • Anthony and Jake are fine writers.
  • Maria is a fast reader and she just finished reading War and Peace.
  • That girl is a whiz at math but she also has a calculator in her hand.

Janet directed the band and she also played drums. Anthony and Jake are fine writer because they help Janet write music for her band ta play. Maria is Janet's best friend and she is also a fast reader because she just got done reading War and Peace. The girl that sat next to Maria and Janet in class is a whiz at math and she always had to calculator in her hand.

Monday, December 1, 2008


I spent most of my time at my boyfriends house because he had came down for Thanksgiving from Job Corps. I stayed there for Thanksgiving and spent time with the family. I finished the second book of Twilight the day after Thanksgiving. But my Thanksgiving was good and yesterday my boyfriend left back to Job Corps till Christmas break. Me and my grandparents went grocery shopping like every Sunday and that was my what I did over the long weekend.