Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sentence Correcting

  1. I went skating down at the pond. Three kids from my school were there . We fell down again and again. We laughed so much our stomachs hurt.

  2. I thought the lopsided game would get never end. The score just kept getting worse and worse

  3. Martha thinks she is so cool. She is not cool to me.

  4. Joe watched a video. His mom had bought a video for him at the store where she worked.
  5. Susan loved to watch football. She would watch it every Sunday on T.V. Every Saturday she would go to the local college football game. She would always wear the school colors.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


The worst time I got angry was at my little sister. She doesn't think before she opens her mouth so she makes pretty much everybody mad. But the worst time she made me mad was when I was cooking dinner for her and my little brother and she just kept blabbering on about random stuff like how long you usually have ta keep your piercings. I told her about three months but she said "it doesn't hurt" I told her it doesn't matter it could get infected if you take it out now. We had a whole argument about it until I finished dinner after that I went outside and walked around for a little bit. I came back and we talked it out and sat down and ate dinner. Sometimes I let my anger get the best of me but I can control it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sentence Combining

The shelter burned and the flames rumbled like a freight train as they sucked at the air.

The flames rumbled the shelter while it burned and it sounded like a freight train as the flames sucked at the air.

As the shelter burned, the flames rumbled like a freight train sucking at the air.

Friday, December 5, 2008

My Life And My Thoughts

My life is pretty much normal I go to school, I babysit my little brother for my mom while shes at work. I watch my boyfriends sister every once in a while when her mom and step dad have ta go somewhere. I don't work at the moment but I volunteer at the Humain Society I walk dogs and stuff its fun. I love animal I'm hoping when I get my GED I can go to college to be a veterinarian. Animals are the cutest and I don't see how anybody could harm them. I Live with my grandparents and their seven dogs, my rat Cali of cours, three birds. I love my life and everbody in it I don't take anything or anybody for granted. I tryta understand what people are saying and try to see it from there point of view to insted of just mine. Im pretty much a layedback person and dont try not to cause any drama i stay away from it..

Thursday, December 4, 2008

So Or Because?

Anna went to the store because she needed milk.

Chris ate too much candy, so his stomach hurt.

Richard fell tired, so he bought an energy drink.

Tesla ran after the bus because she woke up late.

My Sentences

My friends are happy because it was Christmas.

I was going to the store because i needed to get dinner to make for my family.

What are you doing tomorrow because me and some friends wanted to hang out for a little bit.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Most Scariest Moment

The most scariest moment I've had was when I lived with my mom over by the Winco on Lancaster. I was home alone at night and I kept seeing this guy on our back porch and knocking on the glass. The guy had raggedy clothes and shoes his hair looked like he hadn't washed it in months. It scared me so bad I ran up to my room and then I sat on my bed and called my mom and she told me to just stay in my room until she got home. But I didn't in I went back downstairs to see if he was still there and he was. He wouldn't go away I thought he was gonna try and break in to the house or something but thank goodness my mom pulled up and the guy obviously heard the car so he ran off.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sentence Combining

  • Janet directed the band and she also played the drums.
  • Anthony and Jake are fine writers.
  • Maria is a fast reader and she just finished reading War and Peace.
  • That girl is a whiz at math but she also has a calculator in her hand.

Janet directed the band and she also played drums. Anthony and Jake are fine writer because they help Janet write music for her band ta play. Maria is Janet's best friend and she is also a fast reader because she just got done reading War and Peace. The girl that sat next to Maria and Janet in class is a whiz at math and she always had to calculator in her hand.

Monday, December 1, 2008


I spent most of my time at my boyfriends house because he had came down for Thanksgiving from Job Corps. I stayed there for Thanksgiving and spent time with the family. I finished the second book of Twilight the day after Thanksgiving. But my Thanksgiving was good and yesterday my boyfriend left back to Job Corps till Christmas break. Me and my grandparents went grocery shopping like every Sunday and that was my what I did over the long weekend.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What Im Thankful for?

I'm Thankful for?
  • My family and my friends ta support me even though they can be a Little skeptical on what I'm doing or what I wanna do sometimes but i learn from it.
  • Having a roof over my head and food on the table when their are others who live under the bridge or people who don't have anything and for haveing clean clothes and shoes on my back and feet.
  • For getting a second chance at getting an education so i can get a Carrier and do something with my life.
  • For cars and other transportation because other people dont have a way around to get to places they need to I try not to take anything for granted.
  • Im thankful for life itself

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


My favorite place is Mexico. Mexico smells like food because theirs always a food stand some where I love it. It feels like the sun is beating down on you and you get sun burnt automatically but it depends on how white you are. Its kinda noise but not at the same time and at night people are quiet sometimes. Sometimes when I woke up I'd smell food and I'd here horses trolloping down the street and a cart drove buy with water things on them and my great grandpa would buy some everyday. I Love it their I can't wait to go back again.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sentance combinding

1.Lettuce is all over the table
2.The tornado was completely unexpected.
3.Try to get here on time.
4.Can I go with you?
5.I should have studied for that test.
6.I don't have any money.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Practice Formatting

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

My name is Misty. My name is Misty. My name is Misty.

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four

I Love Lists.

  • I Love lists
  • Lists are fun.
  • Imake lots of lists

Friday, November 14, 2008


Can you confirm or deny
something that's been gn-
awing at you?My mom fo-
und one of my hairs when
she was flossing her teeth.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How Much Sleep Do You Need

You need atlest 8 hours of sleep to maintain body health. Sleep is anabolic that is a building process. While you sleep your body repairs itself and muscle tissues get restored. So if you dont get enough sleep you accumulate what is known as sleep debt and have to make up the lost time. Excessive sleep debt can result in insomnia and other sleep disorders. Eaight hours is the average number that most humain bodies automatically adjust to in ideal situations.

I got this information from

Friday, November 7, 2008

I think the elections went pretty well. Obama won and that made me happy.Because I think he can do allot of good to this country. because he said he would help with global warming and help with the tax on certain stuff. I'm just hoping he follows threw with what hes told us he was going to do to help this country.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Being A Vet

Becoming a Veterinary Doctor is a similar process to becoming a human Doctor. Generally, an undergraduate degree must be obtained and many pre-medicine courses must be taken. Getting very good grades in undergraduate school and volunteer work is essential to getting into the school you want to. Since there are only 28 veterinary schools in the country that graduate only about 2100 students per year, getting into veterinary school is more competitive then medical school. GRE scores are also required for application.
Applications for veterinary schools require listing all transcripts, graduate exam scores, awards, clubs involved in, as well as essays about yourself. Many schools have additional applications that ask other questions. After applications are submitted, schools will send out letters for interviews (some do not interview in person). After personal interview with a board of faculty and/or veterinarians, Final decisions are made and you will be notified of acceptance or rejection.
If accepted, you are on your way through four more very tough years of school. The first two are typically lectures or learning about the basic sciences like physiology, anatomy, immunology, etc. You will be expected to know many species and their differences including dogs, cats, birds, cows, sheep, pigs, and horses...all quite different in structure and function. The last four years of school are clinical rotations that teach you how to integrate all of the basic information and introduces you to "working up" a patient and how to provide treatments and work with clients. Rotations may be within the schools teaching hospital or with other veterinarians in the field. After successful completion of the four years of post-graduate work, you are awarded the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree and must still pass national and state board exams (some states only use national) to prove your competency as a Veterinarian in the state you choose to practice. If you pass, you are then a full fledged Doctor and are free to practice medicine. Many people also choose to do residency programs or internships, similar to human doctors, to obtain experience in specialty fields such as dentistry, radiology, dermatology, emergency medicine, etc.

What type of grades do you need to get into Vet School?

Now this doesn't mean you have to be a straight A student. Veterinary colleges look at many factors in deciding who is a possible candidate including extra activities, experience in working with animals and more but a solid background in biology, science and math is usually desired. The good news is that the veterinary field has significantly diversified in the past decade so colleges also include individuals not from the "normal" statis quo.

How long does it take to become a Veterinarian?

It requires 4 years of college and an additional 4 years of veterinary medicine. Internship or residency credits are not required but are offered to achieve advanced qualification or specialty certification. The exception being that it was recently required that foreign graduates need additional veterinary medical residency credits. This is a debated subject

Monday, October 27, 2008

Random Pictures

Willamet Queen

Oregon Tattoo

The River

I Love Skateboarding

Monkey Skull

Friday, October 24, 2008

About My Dream Car?

My dream car is a Slug Bug. But I want it to be midnight blue. And I want the interior to be blue With my first initial N baby blue with rhinestone's. It would have four disc CD changer and a thing to plug my I pod in so I can listen to it in the car. And my cars going to have an alarm. I would drive it to work and to appointments and other things I have to do.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Favorite Thing To Watch Is?

My favorite thing to watch on TV is Paranormal State. I like it because its very interesting to me because you never know whats going to happen next and I've actually seen a ghost before. Its about this group of college kids who go to Penn State University. They go around to the most scariest places or to peoples houses to see if they can find evidence of the paranormal . They see if the things the people are telling them are actually true or if they can find evidence of anything paranormal.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Raising Of Gas Prices

My opinion on the raising the gas prices. I think they shouldn't keep raising it because how are some people suppose to get around or ride the buses if the tax on gas prices just keep going up. And if the tax prices on gas keep going up people won't be able to get around to their jobs, to do their business, to get to school and to other important stuff they get to do.

Monday, October 20, 2008

What I Know About Colombia?

Colombia is a country that has been at war for fifty years. It has affected kids in so many ways. Their has been loses of family members and friends. It is one of the major country's that have the most drugs and supply them. The war has effected so many people in that country in so many different ways. Poverty is one of the huge reasons that the war is going on in Colombia. Drugs and weaponry are the to major things going on in that country.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Peer Editing

There are three steps when your peer editing another students writing.
Step 1-Compliments
  1. Start posotive stay posotive
  2. Examples:I really love your topic,I think you used a lot of good details,I liked when you used the word blank,My favorite part was blank because...,This was really fun to read because...,I liked the way you blank...
Step 2-Suggestions
  1. Give specific details
Step 3-Corrections
  1. Spelling mistakes
  2. Sentence mistakes
  3. Punctuation mistakes

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Good times with my grandparents

One of the best times I've had with my grandpa. Is when my grandpa, my uncle and I drove to Mexico it took us three days to drive there. When we got there, to my Teo's house we ate some seafood soup and then we took showers. We went to my great grandpas house and he has a Little store and his house where he sales candy,soda,and popsickles.We ate there and the next morning we had some pone and some coffee with eggs and some tortilla. We went back to my Teo's house and we went to town and looked around for a bit because my grandpa had given us 500 pesos. Went swimming that day and we stayed there for about three weeks. Then we drove back home. One thing I loved was the Carney Sada tacos, that is one of my favorite foods.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I think Riptide is a good mystery story. Because the story just hooks you at first. You don't really wanna read it but when you start getting into it you don't wanna stop because u wanna know what happens next.
What did you like or dislike about this book? I like this book because I like more of the mystery kind of stories.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Journal Ideas

* Write a Narrative story about special times you've spent with your grandparents.
*Tell about i time that you accidentally locked yourself outside.
*Tell about the scariest nightmare you've had.
*A Ballon animal that comes ta life.
*A bird that flys backwards
*Twins Who have unusual Powers.
*Write an essay Persuasiveabout why you would,or would not, like to have a twin.
*Write an persuasive essay about the importance of preserving the wilderness.
*Explain the differences between adults animals and baby animals.
*My eyes met his.
*Someday you'll wake up and find.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I use Ipod,Blackberry,Computers,Toaster,.
I love my Ipod and my cell phone. I don't know what I'd do without them. My Ipod I couldn't live without because music helps me get through things like when I'm upset I listen to it n calms me down.If I didn't have my IPod I'd probably get frustrated and I would get mad too easy. My Blackberry phone I couldn't go anywhere without it. It's always attached to my hip even though I don't really talk on it that much, I mainly text and get on the Internet.
If I didn't have my phone I would probably go crazy because that's how I communicate with people. My lab top I could live without it because I don't really use it that much and I'm never really home to use it.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sentence Combining

Mama Sat.
She sat by thebwindow.
She wore black.
Mama sat by the window looking outside at the beatiful sceanerie and she had worn black because it was one of her favorite colors.
Mama was sitting by the window wathcing her kids playing in the yard but she also was wearing black because she was morning the death of a family member.
Mama is sittin by a window looking at the fire in the house while wearing black n she liked the color because it mad her feel thiner.

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Animals N My Life

I have 6 dogs n their names are Mosquito,Mocha,Mama,Tiny,Ellie,Niggie Bear, And my rat B.B. Mosquito is about 4 or 5 years old n we got him from my aunt Emerald. She found him inside an abandoned car he was dehydrated and hungry so my aunt took him in and she couldn't take care of him bcause she had ta work so much but then she gave him to me. Mocha has a blondish red coat shes a sweet Lil dog very lovable and very happy. Im not sure how old she is i think shes about 2 years old and she is very sensitive. Mama use to be my dog but i had moved outta my grandmas for a while. And I came back after a while n my grandma had adopted her as her dog we've had her since she was a puppy she has basically the same coat as mocha n shes about 5. Tiny is my grandpas dog shes very small and a very lovable dog and her coat is a radish blond color and I'm not quiet sure on how old she is but she loves pretty much everybody except for people she doesn't know.
Ellie is the daughter dog of tiny n she's about 2 years old and has kind of a blondish coat and shes a short hair chiwawa like all the other dogs and very lovable and friendly to. Niggie Bear is the son of mosquito n he's a long haired chiwawa. My rat is a named B.B n she has the most cute personality a rat could have she makes her own bed out of news paper after I put it and their n she will give you kisses and try ta bite Ur finger nails of for you. Her color is white and her face is brown n there's a line gowning down her back n she has the most adorable eyes their just black n their a Lil big but i think their so cute.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What I think about it?

I think its pretty awesome how people use blogging ta connects with people. N you can c what people think about what u wrote. I think this blogging project is a good way for people ta get better n their writing skills n reading.